Indranil Mukherjee: An argument on DSLR filmmaking

Posted by Kaahon Desk On March 14, 2016

Indranil Mukherjee notices the tendency among the upcoming filmmakers to flock to the digital technology. But mostly they are ending up following the template set by the films made by Q. He feels that Q has a very definite and thus restricted vision in terms of digitally produced images… ‘Phoring’ might serve as a better example to follow. He has found from his interactions with the beginners that they are often getting misguided due to the absence of a proper role model. He feels that the problem essentially lies with the fact, that digital is still considered to be the ‘Plan B’ for cinema. The entire platform needs to be liberated from that and he believes he should devote his time for that.

Previous Kaahon update with Indranil Mukherjee:

Indranil voices against glorifying digital as new aesthetics (click here)

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