Arthouse cannot survive w/o healthy mainstream film industry

Posted by Kaahon Desk On June 21, 2015

Talking about the new releases in Bengali Cinema, Indranil Roychowdhury vehemently attacks the prevailing practice of copying the models of South Indian film industries. He strongly feels the need for fresh and original content in mainstream cinema, citing the success of the Golden Era of 50s and 60s. He believes that without a financially healthy mainstream film industry, even art cinema cannot survive. He blames the myopic vision of producers who refuse to invest for a template or put a system in place that will produce original films in Bengali language. And trying to collaborate with vernacular media and fool the common mass cannot be a fruitful practice in the long run. The people will always know…

Previous Kaahon updates on Indranil Roychowdhury: 

Rabindra Sangeet gets played in butcher stalls nowadays (click here)

Indranil sees the imminent end of the Bengali film industry (click here)

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