Abhijit Basu justifies his urban take on folk music

Posted by Kaahon Desk On March 18, 2015

Abhijit Basu sees himself essentially as a folk music artiste. However, he is aware of the discrepancy that he is practicing a form of music which is rooted in the rural life while he has his own roots in the city, worlds away. This compels him to seek his identity as an artiste. And one of the most significant things he believes in is a common thread of universality running among music across the globe. Over the years, he had been striving to emphasize that idea blending together various forms of music, keeping alive the spirit of folk music and making it palatable for the urban audience. He demonstrates his attempts by performing parts of his song that travels across various forms and regions.

Folk songs of Abhijit Basu (click here).

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